The Faint: 12-13-12
The Nebraska electro-dance-rockers killed it, as they always do, while on tour for the deluxe release of their album Danse Macabre. It was a feast of thumping beats, heavy-hitting electronic sounds, and colored lights. I spent my evening in the pit. If you want a lot of movement and sweat, this is your place. Within two or three songs you could end up in every section of the pit. The movement is amazing—if you don’t mind relinquishing control, anyway. I ended up facing away from the stage several times, and it is almost impossible to hold your ground. I also walked away with quite the number of bruises. But don’t worry, everyone is nice. They’re sustained from bumping into each other. And those that fall get lifted back up immediately.
If you want to get a sneaky workout that doesn’t feel like work, definitely keep an eye out for their next tour.
Find The Faint online:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube
Doomtree Blowout 8: 12-14-12
Every December, the Doomtree crew gathers for a huge concert event, generally spanning several nights. This year was Friday through Sunday, a 21+ night, 18+ night, and an all ages night. Doomtree is comprised of my favorite rap/hip-hop artists, making this one of the easiest traditions to take part in. Even the act of purchasing tickets has become a staple, as the age restricted nights sell out super quick. Usually the place is packed by the time we arrive, but the rap concert gods smiled on us this year—we were right up front AND, more importantly, NO blizzard and NO freezing rain when we left. Two years ago, the Blowout coincided with Snowpocalypse. Let’s just say we never want to repeat that driving experience.
There was a lot of energy and camaraderie at the show. One of the highlights for me was hearing the song The Wren for the first time live. It’s a favorite that I’ve been waiting years to hear. Most of the night there was very little overall movement in the crowd. But then P.O.S. played “Get Down”. . . and everybody did.
Doomtree has a couple upcoming shows, and Dessa is about to head out on a US tour.
You can find out more about the upcoming shows and everything Doomtree online:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube
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